VAT Return Filing Services
We assist in preparing and submitting your Company or Tax Group VAT Return filing or validate your prepared return with insights to improve your UAE compliance.
As A Certified UAE FTA Tax Agency, We Can Help You Save Time, Risks & Costs.
Our qualified and experienced Tax Consultants can ensure your UAE returns are accurate and comply with the UAE Tax Law.
We thoroughly check your UAE VAT returns and provide workings to verify your submission.
Our aim is to ensure your VAT Return Filing can support an FTA Audit and advise on how you can improve refund amounts and UAE compliance.
What Sets Our Service Apart
Experienced Tax Advisors
Complete Transactional Review
How We Deliver
Trained and experienced consultants prepare your accurate calculations.
Each transaction is checked to Legislation including required supporting evidence
Do we provide guidance in VAT compliance?
Yes. We will highlight errors and risk areas we find In preparing or reviewing your return.
How do we price our service?
We provide a fixed price to our service. This is dependent on the volumes and complexity involved.
How can we assure our services?
We are an approved FTA Tax Agency and have experience supporting a number of clients across different sectors under a variety of transactional complexities. Each client is onboarded with a view of risk areas to focus our attention
Can we support VAT refund claims?
Yes. If your entity is in a refund position, we can prepare and support the submission of the VAT311 claims form and liaise with the FTA.
What if our entity has large volumes? How can we check all transactions?
We have our own tools to manage 1000’s of transactional checks in preparing a VAT return. Whether you are a small or large enterprise under a Tax Group, , we can support you.
VAT & Tax Resources
Corporate Tax and Small Business Tax Relief for Healthcare Businesses in the UAE
If you require expert assistance, let SimplySolved handle your tax obligations so you can focus on delivering quality healthcare services. Contact us today for a consultation.
Navigating Financial Success: Essential Accounting Services for Small and Medium Size Companies in Dubai
Our outsourced accounting services offer cost-effective accounting support that allows SMEs to focus their attention on core activities of business instead of worrying about daily accounts and accounting tasks.
Internal and External Audits in The UAE: Insights for Your Business
Whether you’re preparing for an internal and external audit or improving your internal audit procedures, SimplySolved can help.
Schedule a Consultation
Whether you have an existing Accounting, Finance, VAT, Corporate Tax, Employee Management & Payroll, & ERP & E-Commerce Integration function operating its own system & process, or a small or medium company needing complete outsourcing services, we have the flexibility to serve your business.
Mon - Fri: 9am-6pm, Sat - Sun: Closed
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